Employment Blog

5 Benefits of Working with a Staffing Agency

While adding a new employee to your company can be a time consuming process, it’s also an essential part of any business as building out a strong team is one of the best ways to ensure continued success.

The wrong hire can result in wasted time and resources, which is why it’s critical to efficiently manage the time spent reading resumes and vetting candidates from the get-go. If your team cannot afford the time required to run an effective hiring process, it may be time to bring a specialized staffing agency on board to help meet your hiring needs.

Here are the top five benefits of working with a staffing agency:

It saves money and time.
???????Making the wrong hire can be costly. No business wants to spend resources on the set up process if a new hire won’t be sticking around, so working with a specialized recruiter can help you save money during the time spent training an individual, providing their equipment, and setting up benefits, among other onboarding tasks.

Also, as anyone in business can tell you, time is money. A single job posting on a popular job board may bring in hundreds of applicants, and it’s likely that only a handful of these applicants will be qualified. Sorting through these applicants and vetting the top candidates will take a great amount of time and effort. Bringing a staffing agency into your hiring process at the very beginning of a search is a great way to free up time for your managers so they can focus on business operations instead of performing phone screens or looking into applicants’ backgrounds.

Working with a staffing agency can also free up time for your HR department, as the right staffing firm will be able to expertly handle issues with compliance, payroll, health insurance, and other concerns.

It gives you access to top talent.
Staffing agencies have connections to some of the top talent in your industry, including workers that may be employed elsewhere but are open to new opportunities. The right staffing agency will have a large database of qualified candidates to pull from and can often have a list of candidates you can interview in as little as 48 hours. Candidates also enjoy working with experienced, specialized staffing firms because they can help them discreetly pursue new challenges. This candidate/recruiter relationship also gives employers access to unique and strategic skill sets.

Recruiters know the market.
A specialized recruiter will have their finger on the pulse of the industry and the market. They will be able to give hiring managers insights into the current state of the market, including trends in salary, skill sets, expected benefits, and other complexities. A staffing agency will be able to act as your eyes and ears into the industry and its workers.

The screening process is rigorous.
At specialized and targeted staffing agencies like Equis Staffing, the screening process for candidates is second to none. In addition to verifying work history, checking references and running a background check when requested, a staffing agency can perform the first round of phone screens and interviews to ensure that each candidate is the right fit for both the position and the company culture. The screening process is a vital step in the hiring process, and a qualified staffing agency will perform these checks before you meet candidates for onsite interviews. The more thorough the screening process, the more secure you can feel in your choice of candidate.

It gives you peace of mind.
When you work with a staffing agency that has a proven track record of success, you can feel confident that the agency will provide the right employee for the job and feel assured in your final choice. Additionally, forming a relationship with a staffing agency will ease the pressure of future hires because the agency will have the details they need to immediately begin looking for and vetting new qualified candidates.


If you are looking to hire an IT, Accounting, or Finance professional, or work in any of those fields and looking to advance your career, you can contact Equis Staffing via email at info@equisdifference.com or give us a call at (818) 444-0100.
