Employment Blog

Common IT Interview Questions

Published by Equis Staffing

Since information technology jobs in Calabasas are always in high demand, our Calabasas staffing agency interviews a lot of IT professionals. When we receive a high quality IT resume, we look to immediately set up an interview to see if the IT candidate can fill any current or future IT openings.

The IT candidate's resume normally steer the interview, but there are three questions we always make sure to ask.

Here are three questions that IT job hunters should be prepared to answer durring their interview.

1. What types of projects are you currently working on? Well this should be a no brainer, but you better have a good answer to the question. If you are working on something that is current or cutting edge make sure to bring it up. Elaborate on the goals of the projects and how your skill set helps achieve the end goal. If there have been any challenges that you have been faced with, and were able to overcome, that too earns big points.

2. What technologies are you currently utilizing? Technology obviously changes fast, and as an IT professional you need to be up to date with the latest and greatest. Make sure you can speak to new versions and updates and can confidantly express your opinions on why they are better or worse, or how this affects someone who will be working in the IT position your are interviewing for.

3. How is the work on your teams divided up? Teamwork is critical to the success of any organization, and this is especially true in the IT department. You need to be able to articulate how you are able to work in a team environment and how you are accountable for your specific tasks. Here too, it is appropriate to address some of the challenges you have been able to overcome, but just remember it is never becoming to throw a former college under the bus.

Consider these questions and how you would answer them, and it will give you a leg up on your next IT interview. And if you are currently looking to obtain an interview for an IT position, send us your resume and we can see about setting something up.  
