Employment Blog

Our Best Staffing Articles for Summer 2017

Summer is here! Where has the time gone? At Equis Staffing, we’ve been spending our time working with companies and job seekers to find the right staffing fit, and as always we learned a few new things in the process. Thankfully, we wrote our thoughts down along the way and were able to share some insights with you here on our blog.

Did you miss a blog post or two? Below you’ll find a few of our favorite posts from the Equis Staffing blog, both for employees and for job seekers, to give you an easy-to-browse resource of staffing and employment advice. Enjoy!

Here are our picks for employers:

How to Write Job Descriptions That Attract Great Candidates
Does your organization struggle to pull in high-quality candidates during hiring cycles? Here are our tips for writing job descriptions that attract top talent.

6 Tips for Improving Your Hiring Process
Does your organization often struggle to find the "right" hire? If so, you're not alone. Many employers find it difficult to find the perfect candidate – the person that has both the technical qualifications as well as the right personality.

How to Determine If a Candidate is a Good Culture Fit
Determining if a job candidate is a fit for your company's culture is a vital part of the hiring process, but it can also be a challenge.

5 Benefits of Working with a Staffing Agency
The wrong hire can result in wasted time and resources, which is why it’s critical to efficiently manage the time spent reading resumes and vetting candidates from the get-go. Working with a staffing agency can help you build a stronger team.


Here are our picks for job seekers:

Is That Company Right for You? How to Find a Good Cultural Fit
As a job seeker you may be wondering: How do I find a company culture that matches what I’m looking for? Here are our tips for finding the right company culture for you.

Common Mistakes C-Level Candidates Make When Job Hunting
The majority of C-level executives have traditionally stayed in their roles for long periods of time and achieved great degrees of success. On paper this is a good thing, but it can actually negatively affect a job search. Here are the four most common mistakes that C-level executives make when searching for a new job.

How to Successfully Use Twitter In Your Job Search
Twitter can be an effective tool for pursuing new work – if you leverage it correctly. Here are our tips for successfully using Twitter in a job search.

8 Tips for Growing Your Personal Network on LinkedIn
Establishing LinkedIn connections is a great way to lay the groundwork for future projects. Here are eight ways to cultivate new connections.

How to Explain a Gap in Your Job History
It's important for job seekers to know how to eloquently and succinctly explain any gaps in their job history. Here are our tips for explaining your time off.

If you are looking to hire an IT, Accounting, or Finance professional, or work in any of those fields and looking to advance your career, you can contact Equis Staffing via email at info@equisdifference.com or give us a call at (818) 444-0100.
