Employment Blog

Workplace Flexibility Could Be the Key for Your Tech Team

Published by Equis Staffing

In an era where the IT labor market seems only to be shrinking, finding innovative ways to attract and retain top talent is essential. This includes not only seeking out highly skilled professionals and offering them fair salaries, but also creating an environment that is productive and conducive to employee satisfaction.

Today, professionals are increasingly seeking opportunities that provide mechanisms that support work-life balance. By embracing workplace flexibility, you can meet that need, making you a more attractive employer in the eyes of top-tier job seekers and your existing tech employees.

If you aren’t sure how to leverage workplace flexibility to enhance your tech team, here’s what you need to know.

Productivity Improvements

Workplace flexibility, including telecommuting programs and flexible scheduling, have the ability to enhance productivity. When IT professionals are allowed to work from home, you eliminate their commute, something that decreases stress and promotes work-life balance.

Additionally, they are able to work in a comfortable environment that can cater to their needs, something that can promote focus, especially for detail-oriented, heads-down work. This is especially true since many traditional workplace distractions, like talking coworkers and random visitors, are eliminated from the equation.

When flexible scheduling is used, you also empower your IT staff to work at times where they feel most productive. Each employee has a unique rhythm that impacts their ability to concentrate on specific kinds of tasks. With a flexible schedule, your tech pros can adjust when certain duties are handled (barring those that are time-dependent), allowing them to tackle difficult assignments when they feel best equipped to navigate them. Even if you maintain core work hours – periods of the day where staff members must be available – providing them with some flexibility can be incredibly beneficial.

Recruitment and Retention

Many IT professionals actively seek out opportunities that provide them with workplace flexibility. This includes remote work positions as well as local jobs that offer options that support greater work-life balance.

If you embrace telecommuting, you can seek out candidates in other cities, states, or potentially countries. This significantly deepens your talent pool, increasing the odds that you’ll locate hard to find skill sets when hiring.

Additionally, since these arrangements are highly sought, and not offered by every company, you become a more attractive employer. Workplace flexibility can improve work-life balance which, in turn, can elevate job satisfaction. Happy employees are less likely to seek out opportunities elsewhere, particularly if they aren’t able to find similar arrangements with your competitors. This can lead to higher retention rates, something that is incredibly valuable in today’s labor market.

Ultimately, by implementing flexible work options, you are being strategic about managing your tech workforce, allowing you to differentiate yourself from the competition and improve recruitment and retention. If you would like to learn more about how to become a flexible workplace, the team at Equis Staffing can help. Contact us to discuss your flexible scheduling and telecommuting goals today and see how our workforce management expertise can benefit you.
